Tuesday, March 25, 2014

9 Months Old

 photo toothbrush_zps4313c81a.png
 photo milo9months_zps8bab5c9d.png
 photo milo_zps7b12bc49.png
 photo 9monthcarrot_zps2f335256.png
We have absolutely reached the point where these photos do not happen unless Milo has something to play with. Toothbrush, hairbrush and comb are the best toys to keep him occupied. What can I say, the boy is into good hygiene. He must get that from his Dad. I just burned myself. Is the term 'burn' still a thing? Do I now seem really old?

Nine months is a pretty fun age so far. Milo's full time job is learning to walk and he has hired me as his assistant. My job is to hold his hand and walk him all over the house...all day long. It pays pretty well though (baby smiles & giggles). He has already taken a few steps on his own here and there so he will probably be walking pretty soon. It is equal parts exciting and terrifying.

We had a checkup yesterday and Milo is right on track height and weight wise. He has been pretty much following the same curve on the growth chart since he was born. I remember when he was born he was right smack dab on average height and weight for a baby born at 37 weeks. We thought he was going to be super tall because Ivan is so tall but as long as he is healthy Milo can be whatever size he wants.

It still blows my mind how quickly Milo is growing and how much I love him and how much I love seeing how much Ivan loves him. Confusing sentence? The summary is: we all love Milo so much!



  1. Oh my gosh, stop! That last picture is the most adorable thing ever.

    I miss that boy!

    1. I know! Isn't it too cute! His face and his hand kill me.

      Milo misses you too! Come visit. Immediately, if not sooner.

  2. Argh, he's bigger than his carrot friend now! He has such charming blue eyes.

    I'm glad to know he's healthy. Baby E is of average weight but he's above average height which a) means he looks very skinny and b) he doesn't fit into jumpsuits because he can't stretch out his legs. I guess it's time to learn to sew.

    I can't wait to see a video of Milo walking soon!


    1. Awwww, he he! Tall little guy! Yep, sewing time.

  3. 9 months already?! Where does time go!! Haha, I say that as my 2 month old sleeps in my lap. I feel like I had him just yesterday. Time needs to slow down, right!?

    1. Yes! I am constantly conflicted about whether I want time to slow down or speed up. It sounds a bit weird to say that but it's just that I'm so looking forward to seeing what Milo will be like as a kid. And I'm super excited about all the funny things he will say!

  4. Oh wow I have been off the blogging map for a while so congratulations! My little dude Elliot is almost 8 months and it is SUCH a fun age after the difficult sleeplessness of the first few months.

    1. Well, congratulations to you too! Yeah this is definitely a fun age.

  5. Burn is definitely still a thing. I love that someone else uses it too, haha.
    Milo is just adorable!



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