Friday, November 2, 2012

5 Fave Friday

5. Beautiful!
These houses are so neat! You should definitely check out the website to see what the heck is up with them. I originally saw these on Trisha's blog and I just had to share them.

4. This cardigan is so cute!

A Little Bit Bunny Cardigan from ModCloth
I love that silly little bunny wearing glasses.

3. I love this little cocktail hat from Manzanita.
I found a pattern for a really cool little headpiece that I want to try out soon. And I wouldn't mind adding this cute one made by Rebecca to my collection.

2. Um...what?
Audrey Horne dress-up doll!! I need this, Audrey is the coolest.

1. And while I'm on the topic of TV shows I love...
Nevernude! I love it.

I have been super distracted this week so I am looking forward to the weekend to just relax and hopefully enjoy some sunshine. I think it is finally going to stop raining and drizzling everyday starting this weekend. I know I shouldn't complain about the weather but I need a little sunshine to keep me happy!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!



  1. the hubby continues to speak on wanting a smaller house. going to check them out now. thanks for the suggestion.

    love the bunny wearing glasses sweater ... to cute!! enjoy your weekend. (:

  2. That paper doll idea is the coolest!!
    I've always liked paper dolls a lot, I believe I have a bunch of vintage Barbie ones in storage somewhere!


  3. That house is awesome! I love the little bunny cardigan, too!

  4. Hahaha nevernude!! I can't wait for the new season on netflix. I'm an AD fanatic!!

  5. Is it weird that I always wanted an unusually shaped house out in the woods so that it could end up on one of those "50 Best/Craziest/Worst/Coolest Houses" list? There was a magazine I saw once that was like Best Cabin or something and it just had a huge list of cool cabins and counted them down to like the best or most elaborate. I think that's where it stemmed from and now every time I see a cool house I'm like 'WHOA put that on the list'!


  6. those houses are just the coolest- i just have to keep the mister on track to getting one and moving to the woods to be hermits!

  7. Aaah, nevernude! That is so great. Going to see David Cross this weekend, can't wait!

    Manzanita's stuff is so pretty :)

    I have pipe dreams about buying a modular house like that someday and putting it out in the West Texas desert.

    Fun picks this week! Hope your weather clears up soon.

  8. That bunny sweater is adorable!

    <3 Melissa

  9. That crocheted hat is too cute!

  10. I absolutely adore those crochet hats!!! So cute.

  11. Aaaahhh that bunny cardigan is SO CUTE!!!!! And I love that little crocheted headpiece! Meredith at One Sheepish Girl posted the pattern to a cute little crocheted bow that you put on a bobby pin and I've been making TONS of them. Haha, I've become slightly obsessed with crocheted hair accessories! Hope you have a good Friday :)

    -Jessica (Sew In Love)

  12. Those houses are awesome. I want to live in something completely self-sustainable. And I also love the sweater! Too cute!

    xo Ashley

  13. Now I'm dreaming of one of those houses, tucked away in the woods! :) Thanks for posting it since it guided me to some more awesome blogs. Happy weekend!

  14. That cocktail hat is adorable!

  15. Yay! Thanks for the shout out on The Ingrid:) Can't wait to see what you come up with!


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