Thursday, February 16, 2012

vlog :: How to Create Quality Content

My partner in crime blogging crime vlogging crime vlogging, Chantilly and I are back with another instalment of our yet to be named vlog series! Last time we talked about the importance of posting quality content on your blog and this time we give you a few suggestions on how to create that quality content. See how nicely that flows? Yeah, we were pretty impressed with ourselves on that one.
Like we said, if you have anything to add to this discussion you can do so in the comments! We would love to hear from you.



  1. Can I be a creeper and say how much I enjoy watching you on videos? It reveals so much more about you than a picture :]

    1. Totally not creepy Colby! Thank you! I feel the same way about watching people on video. Or maybe we're both creepy. Either way...

  2. I'm not going to lie, I was distracted by the cute kitten for most of the video haha, but the topics you covered are really helpful! thank you for post this vblog guys! you're awesome.

  3. hahahaha! Oh my gosh! I don't know if you know this but under photographers (at least here in Germany) there is this "insider" joke...about just adding a puppy or a little kitty to the picture and then everybody will like it even if it's crap. we make fun of it all the time at school...It's a pretty sarcastic thing...but hilarious.

    So, as soon as the kitty appeared...I was fixed :-Dthat was totally the point of the kitty wasn't it? ;)(just kidding)Not that you're vlog wasn't great...because it was. Really liked the tips. Thanks a lot! ^^

    the kitty is to cute....sorry ^^

    (posted the same comment on my girl thurday..just so you both know)

  4. You girls crack me up, thanks for all the great advice! I definitely agree with Fiona, I had to go back and rewatch parts because I got so distracted by the adorable kitty!

    xo, Megan

  5. oh I LOVE this vlog collaboration :D thanks so much for the tips!

  6. great advice, ladies! thanks for posting such an honest and helpful vlog.

  7. You ladies are great and I find these vlogs really helpful and motivational!

  8. i always love your vlogs elycia. you da besssss

  9. .... I totally got distracted by the kitty too....

    This is such a great series your starting, guys! For new bloggers all this info is amazing!

    THANK YOU xxx


  10. you both are way to funny together. love your humor & giggling. the kitten jumping into the vlog was cute as well. thanks, for the tips. (:

  11. I love that kitty cat! It was so sweet how you touched his tail when he was walking away. Oh and he tried to catch your hand while you gestured! Too cute, really :)
    Ok I know the video was not about the kitty. haha! You girls are awesome together. So many great tips and advices were very handy since I've started my own little blog few weeks ago. Looking forward for more!

  12. Thank you! This was super useful. However I do have to admit i didn't take it all in from half way thru cos I was distracted by the adorable kitty, sooo cute how he was trying to catch your pen and u didn't seem to notice! I have watched it a second time thru and concentrated on what u were saying that time! hehe. Thanks again. x

  13. Wait a I'm supposed to be trying to provide QUALITY content? So THAT is what I've been doing wrong! :) Loving these videos.

  14. I probz would not have watched that video to its 6 min entirety if I had not spotted that adorable kitten. I like the vlogs you've been posting lately a lot more than I noramlly do because I can tell that you don't take your self to seriously so there is nothing off putting about listening to your suggestions. Ali

    1. We are pretty manipulative with the kitten aren't we? If there is one thing I would like people to know about me is that I don't take myself too seriously! So happy that comes across.

  15. Hey Elycia and Chantilly! Although I visit this blog nearly everyday, I do not leave a comment too often, because I normally only enjoy what I see without leaving feedback. :)
    Today I just wanted to let you know that your vlogs are totally helpful and inspiring! :) Yesterday evening I've been sitting in front of my laptop for hours, watching all of your vlogs, Elycia, and they include lots of helpful advice.
    I really like this video here, because both of you share useful tips that are clever and well-thought. The three of us have all visited Indie Biz at the same time and have started to develop our little businesses at around the same time, but I can see how many things there are that I can learn from you!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!! :)

    1. You are so sweet Lu! Thank you for such a lovely comment :) I'm so glad you like the vlogs!

  16. Really enjoyed that and couldn't agree more.

    ♥ sécia

    P.S. It's never too late to do something funny! :)

  17. Very good advice!! I have problems staying on topic the most, I'm going to try and work on that!

  18. Since I'm blogging about all of the mom stuff I do; I find my iPhone's handy dandy notebook works best when I'm on the go. I'll be at work or out with my son and if something happens I can jot down ideas or a story. So far I have a notes sheet with a ton of ideas and three stories on my electronic notebook. I love it and it saves automatically. Also instagram. I find that very helpful when I'm in need of a photo or photos for my blog. Quality pics are anyone's ideal but just having a visual is really the only thing people want.


  19. These definitely made me laugh, especially when you guys laugh you're both so charming XD Definitely worth watching through the whole 6 minutes :3

    Thankyou guys so much for the advice!


  20. This was really helpful, and has given me lots to think about. Thanks you guys :)

  21. Great vlog - some really useful tips and advice. I think one of the most useful pieces of advice I've been given is just to be true to yourself and speak in your own voice. It can be so easy to look at other people's blogs and feel like you should be posting about a particular topic or in a certain style. A successful, and enjoyable blog is often one that is original and thinks outside the box.

    Also definitely have a way of writing down notes at all times. I quite often find myself walking along writing blog posts in my head - so it's useful if I can make notes so that great content doesn't just float off into the ether!

  22. Yay! Another super informational, fun vlog about blogging! 8D I really enjoyed this one and it's taken some of the stress off of writing. Since I barely started out, I don't have quality photos. I've been scrambling over my photo gallery in my phone, trying to see what I can find. But I'll stop worrying and take my time to write my blog. I want it to have great posts; not stressed out posts. @.@;;;

  23. I love this series! Vlogging is so fun. I try it myself even though I sometimes look a little bananas. Whatever. Bananas are great.

    Thanks for sharing this info!


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