Friday, February 10, 2012

5 fave friday

5. This purse that Danielle made.
The colours and the pattern are beautiful. I'm pretty sure that Danielle has the best style/taste ever.

4. Scalloped nails.
Meredith and I were just talking about this last night and then I spotted this old tutorial on Jill's blog this morning. Weird and awesome!

3. Diana's pink chalkboard door!
I love every single peek I've seen of Diana's kitchen and this pink door in her dining room is amazing as well! And earlier in the week Diana posted a really yummy looking vegan recipe that I would like to try. And I love her new blog design with the always changing header! Basically I could have done a 5 Fave Friday the Diana edition this week.

2. This pretty dress.
Yawl Come Back Dress from ModCloth
I love the colour and adorable collar on this dress. So cute!

1. The Vegan Housewives blog.
Not only are Kortney and Katie adorable, they also post tons of vegan recipes. I am so excited to keep popping by their blog to see what they are cooking!

I am also so excited for all this things I want to get done today! I will be prepping tons of blog posts for when I'm away (not this week but next week), finishing up an exciting vlog, giving a suitcase a makeover, finishing up a present, making a yummy dinner and I might even make it to the post office. I have had a little something for a few people that I keep forgetting to mail! Oh and Ivan and I might go see Star Wars in 3D tonight. Yes, I love Star Wars...all of them...even the ones that no one else likes.

What are your plans for today?



  1. You've overwhelmed me!
    That purse, those nails, that dress...SWOON!

  2. Danielle has those rain loafers that I want!!!!

  3. Scallop trim nails?! Shut the front door! I am in love! I love, love, love scallop's and the only reason my blog isn't covered in them is because I've seen a few lovely ladies with them and I don't want to seem like a copy cat!!!

    You find such pretty and fun stuff! Happy Friday!

  4. The Vegan housewives are too cute!

  5. Woah! Right when I think I'm the only person on the planet who just isn't into painting everything they own with chalkboard paint.. Someone comes up with pink.

    I'm gonna have to really think this one over.. :)

  6. if you go to see the Star Wars 3D would you please tell me what you think. i love the original ...but would love to know if i should see this one. thanks a bunch. enjoy the weekend. (:

  7. Cute finds. Love those nails!

  8. Oooooh I'm in LOVE with the colors on that spring purse! Gorgeous :)

  9. I've been dreaming about that door since the first time I saw it. Isn't she amazing? Loving that vegan housewives shot!

    ♥ sécia

  10. LOVE those nails and I have my eyes on that dress!

  11. Yay a fellow Star Wars fanatic! I fell in love with that Modcloth dress, so much so that it's part of my Friday Favorites as well!

    xo, Megan

  12. Woahhh pink door, AND it's chalkboard? that's just super awesome!


  13. I love starwars too! When i was a little girl I watched the whole trilogy at least once a week. I was in love with Luke. <3

  14. Aw! I love that last picture! It's very 50's - my favorite time period. <3

    My plans today involve working till 4:30 babysitting two little girls. It's fun, but tiring.

  15. Love those scalloped nails and that chalkboard door!

  16. thanks for posting all the awesome blogs!

  17. I loved the Vegan Housewives blog! And the pink chalkboard door is really cute too :)

  18. My bf and I are going to play Star Wars online tonight. I have a bounty hunter and a smuggler, but I prefer my bounty hunter. The torch is way cool.

  19. omg the vegan housewives blog is awesome! we recently became a meat free household & it's nice to find another site to find yummy vegan recipes.

    & that pink door is amazing. i need that in my life, stat.

  20. Loving your 5 Fave Friday posts - the scalloped nails DIY is so cute, and I too love Diana's chalkboard door! I've been writing a similar weekly post called "Five Fabulous Fings on Friday" - you can check out my latest (Valentine's!) edition here if you wish:

    Keep up the great work! Katie. xxx

  21. i saw scallop nails for the first time the other day...on instagram i believe. too cute!! i definitely want to try it. how have we not thought of this already? lol.

    also, i think you need to own that dress.

  22. Pink chalkboard paint!? Love it, and those scalloped nails x

  23. How gorgeous is that bag? And its a DIY?!! :-0 Amazeballs!

  24. We were just catching up on our "favorite blog rounds" & saw this! Thanks so much for the shoutout! We love your blog & videos...You are fabulous! :)


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