Monday, May 16, 2011

thrift find > lemons

I have really been trying to limit my spending lately but I am totally allowed to buy things necessary for the wedding. Like this for example...

Not sure exactly how I want to use this jug yet. I originally wanted to serve lemonade in cute jars but I'm not sure if I will be making that happen.  Maybe we can put some flowers in it or something. It was too cute to pass up!

I have been playing with my pretty blythe Daisy these past few days. I love her minty hair and yellow eyes!



  1. I have one of those too! I'm a Pyrex nut.

    I sometimes use my for flowers.

  2. It's definitely pretty enough to put anywhere- and use for anything!
    And I stole your button- I'm a new reader, and I really enjoy your blog! :) Nice to meet you, I'm Crystal!

  3. Definitely too cute to pass up! Pyrex and lemons together makes for a beautiful creation. haha! Love it!

  4. ooo you have a blythe doll :D awesome!!

  5. adorable! It would be a cute vase for sure.

  6. I like the lemonade idea, sounds really cute (:

  7. I still think you should serve lemonade inside! It would make a cute vase though! Or you could serve other drinks in it :)

    Meanz (Koi Story)

  8. that is adorable! pyrex is awesome!

  9. its too cute, you definitely couldnt pass it up :)

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  10. woo a really nice jug!!!! I would love to put lemonade in it in those hot summer days.. nice nice :)

  11. I love those jugs. You should tie a little blue ribbon around it (to match your bridesmaids dresses) and put some flowers in it. That's my vote.

    ♥ sécia

  12. oh it would be super cute to serve lemonade in it on a hot summers day! but you would need to wear a cute 50's dress and an apron! so cute! but that would take a lot of effort but homemade lemonade is really the best thing EVER! could you use it for the wedding? i used thrifted jugs and put flowers in them on the food and drink table :D


  13. hi, stopping by and leaving a note. Found you via bloglovin. Like your blog and your photos, it also appears that your wedding will be colorful. Lovely lemonade jug. How cute cats you have, in my blog our cat also has a big place, even his own category...the category-cat..haha

    Regards from Sweden,/Lisa

  14. aw that is just adorable :) x

  15. I have an orange one, I picked it up at a 50s thrift store. :D

  16. That jug is so cute! Daisy's so pretty! I love her hair :)

  17. OMG that's one of the cutest Pyrex I've ever seen. LOOOOVVEEE <3

  18. Daisy is adorable. That reminds me, my girls have been neglected lately. :(

  19. I have one just like this but bright orange! I like to make iced green tea in her :)

  20. I have 2 or 3 of these and I have them packaged up because Im soooooo clumsy, im scared ill break them!


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