Friday, March 4, 2011

hi friends!

here are a whole new batch of things to love...

5. newsprint nails
 i saw these on jolene's blog. she even gives a tutorial on how to do it!

4. this print, how smart!! i wish i thought of that.

3. this commercial. i'm not recommending that you drink milk but this commercial is too funny not to share.

2. this cute embroidery from Clairey Lou Creations
i love colourful raindrops.

1. this keychain...too cute.
today i'm going to do some more work on the aprons i'm making. i have some photos to share...i just need to put together the post!
I am also going to be working on a video blog for this little project!
and, i'll finish off the afternoon with a skype date with this lady. (i'll tell you why soon!)

i hope you have a fun day!
love, elycia

ps. last chance to enter the twin peaks giveaway! i'll announce the winner tonight!


  1. oh. oh my. oh my oh my oh my! that commercial is hilarious! but also has me very nervous if my two little monsters ever grow thumbs. they're quite adapt at destroying things without, thank you very much.

  2. ok the cat commercial is hilarious! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. hahaha I LOVE that commercial! (as much as I hate milk) aw I wish cats were like that irl, or could talk in real life,just imagine how perfect that could be!
    happy weekend elycia xx

  4. Aw I adore that keychain and those newsprint fingernails idea!! ♥ xo.

  5. Love the snapping kitties! oh so cute!

  6. That cats commercial is sooo freaking hilariously cute!!!!

  7. haha you have that cravendale commercial in the US? that is well funny! gangster cats and their milk haha x

  8. That milk ad is FANTASTIC! My favorite is the needlepoint kitty. Reason #94892 why I am destined to be/already am a cat lady!

  9. Hi Elycia!
    Thanks so much for featuring my cloud hoop!
    My mum told me about the milk ad, and I've meaning to check it out!
    Sooo cute!!!

  10. thank you so much for sharing that cat commercial! that really made my day so much better! :-)

  11. LOVE that commercial. And did you know cats with thumbs exist? They're called polydactyls (or Mitten Cats) and they are amazing. i want one!

  12. Okay that commercial made my day! I am totally going to have to re-blog this! I absolutely love the cat cross-stitching!!!
    Have a great Friday!

  13. omg can you imagine if cats had thumbs? it wouldn't be too long until they took over the world lol!

  14. that commercial is super cute! I especially enjoy the embroidering kitty...

  15. Hahaha love the commercial. Jackson and I always tease our cats when they're struggling trying to grab something. "Too bad you don't have opposable thumbs, suckaaaa!" (I'm serious hahaha)

  16. I cannot wait to see your video Elycia, I know it's going to be awesome! And that commercial not only made my night but it also woke up Adelaide and made her wonder if there was another kitty in the house.

  17. hhahahha, i absolutely love the video cats!! hihih

  18. Thanks for linking to my tutorial, dearie! <3 .. Oh, and I love that "Hope" print!

  19. Bah! That commercial is sooo funny!! :) Love it!

  20. The newsprint nails are so rad!! Cheers for linking to the tutorial :)


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