Tuesday, July 20, 2010

cat love

wow, i just made a delicious dinner! mexican style millet with guacamole and some salad. and then quinoa pudding for dessert. i will for sure post the recipe for the quinoa pudding soon! sooo delicious!

the other day farva and anakin were helping me in my studio...
aren't pets the best helpers?


  1. Omg they are too cute! What great pics!

  2. I love you for loving cats as much as I do.

  3. oh my they are so cute!!! oh and i saw you on the front page of etsy the other day :) congrats :)

  4. Hi! I have an award for you on my site, Dropped Stitches. Please stop by to pick it up!

    xo Erin

  5. Your little helpers are so cute. I'm enjoying meandering around your blog and seeing all your wonderful creations.

  6. So cute! Your black and white cat looks similar to my cat 'Miguel' :)

  7. this is too cute! you have a lovely lovely blog!
    i'm following you now! hope that's okay! :D

  8. You have the most gorgeous kitties!

  9. thank you thank you everyone!
    alycia: thanks! i was excited when i found out :)
    erin: thank you i will pop by your blog!
    call me Rondy: do you have pics of your kitty? i will check out your blog. is miguel a little monster like my farva, haha?
    christen: of course that's ok! thank you so much!

  10. I have similar pictures to post of my kittys constantly helping with wool!

  11. I love your cats! I have always wanted on but my grandma is allergic. :(

  12. awwwww they completely are! :) These photos are great!

  13. oooh goodnes, I do love cats + yarn together! sweet!
    Found you via Freckled Nest!
    Sarah M

  14. adorrrrable!!!! I was petting my cat today just taking tons of pictures.. my grandma thinks I am crazy! (pictures soon!)

    love, polly :)

  15. Mmm that sounds good! And your cats are so cute. My dog wants nothing to do with my yarn, so I love it when I'm at my friends' houses and their cats love to play with it!

  16. D'aww, I want them!

  17. I loveee Quinoa, sounds sooo good! And your kitties are so precious. I just love cats so much!

  18. Awesome photos! And you have very handsome kitties :)


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