Thursday, April 22, 2010

happy earth day!

happy earth day everyone!

 ivan and i at albion falls last fall

i didn't do anything especially earthy today, but i'm setting a goal for myself: use the green bin more often. usually when i'm cooking i get lazy and just throw my green bin waste in the garbage...i'm bad. soo, my new goal is to designate a 'scraps' bowl and then take it out and dump it in the smelly green bin.

did you do anything special for earth day?



  1. Happy Earth Day to you!!


  2. Hello! Unfortunately not :( (Bad, bad, bad...) Just wanted to pop by and say 'hi' and that I love your 'every girl has a story' girls - very cute! Are you going to more? Also, I have favourited your shop and grabbed a blog button and popped it on my blog - seeing that you are a Blythe fan too! Anyhoot, must shoot - keep in touch :)

  3. I made paper plate earths with the kiddies, that's about it! It would have been fun to do something special though if I had remembered earlier, haha.


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